The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


They were in front of the camera 2 minutes and 38 seconds. This time lasted the transmission of the live video via Facebook, in which the faces of María José Ponce and Lirio Sofía Escobar were again seen, after 17 days of research.

The video, which is the latest publication of what would be the personal profile of Ponce, 28, does not have audio and shows mother and daughter with the bottom of a worn wall . These details raised suspicions about their loved ones who, through an official statement, informed that as long as they did not appear and did not see them personally, they were still missing.

On the same day, about 50 people, relatives, friends, acquaintances and activists staged a sit-in at Plaza Grande during the change of Presidential Guard to demand their return alive.

The publications were made during the afternoon, and an hour before the live broadcast, the young woman would have published in the same profile A statement in which she wrote: "J '; I decided to make my life alone with my daughter, taking her absolutely alone because I felt that it was time to be responsible and fly away from the nest. "

"With the warning of disappearance They do damage.The father of my daughter can take it to me, so I ask them to let me live in peace", continues the publication in which Ponce says goodbye with a " see you soon ".

Relatives described these publications as "pseudocommunications". and ratified that "there is no direct or fluid communication between the family and María José". In addition, they demanded urgent results from the police and the prosecutor's office regarding the disappearance of Ponce and his four-year-old daughter, who went to Mindo on 23 June and did not return .

The case is still under investigation at the National Directorate of Crimes Against Life, Violent Deaths, Disappearances, Extortion and Abductions. According to official information, there is still no indication to link the case to a crime. (PCV)


Not a day more without Maria José and her daughter who claims her family

What happened to Maria José Ponce and his daughter Lirio Sofía ?

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