The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Since 2018 is the world year of birds, experts follow the importance of these species.

Ecuador is favored because it has a great biodiversity of which about 1600 species of birds from all over the world gradient, from the smallest to the largest. This is confirmed by Carlos Barriocbad, geographer, professor and researcher at the University of Barcelona and specialized in bird migration.

The smallest specimens are hummingbirds and in the country there are 132 species, some of which are about the size of an insect. super ", said the Spanish specialist.This is the Estrellita colicorta (Myrmia micrura), a hummingbird that measures 6 cm and lives in the dry forests of the coast, completed Héctor Cadena, ornithologist member of the Aves group Quito.

And among the largest is the Andean condor, that in the country, it is estimated that there are 102 individuals, according to the census conducted in 2015.

It should be noted -added Cadena – monitoring programs that are developed for this trash bird, which is a national symbol. "I think a lot of resources are poured for this species. Being large and well known, the society echoes its protection programs, "while sometimes" the ones who leave the worst are the little ones, who are not popular and have no attraction ".

is difficult to monitor
Barriocbad, who dictated Thursday in Quito, a conference on the scientific bird banding as a technique to study these species, said that it is difficult to know the customs of all birds , about 10,000 on the planet.

This for the places they live and for the lack of resources, specialists and knowledge.For example, in the Amazon Basin and the Ecuadorian Forests, the surveillance

These animals face a series of threats and believe that the main one is the loss of habitats due to changes in the habitat of birds. there is an awareness of its preservation and creativity Protected areas such as those in Ecuador are not enough, so this suggests that governments have economic contributions to achieve real protection.

"Now we know cash.In some cases, monetary intervention is important, especially for those with very specific housing needs," he said. 19659006] Climate and Migration
Climate change is seriously affecting bird species, particularly migratory birds, Barriocbad said, and in some cases, he added, distribution areas have expanded, has made migratory flights longer, in other cases they arrive before the breeding grounds and can not find food resources, especially insects, so these species have to adapt to this new situation. "Those who do not have the ability to adapt will eventually disappear," he said.

He insisted on the need to protect them as they are part of the equilibrium global. "They are like a house of cards, if you e take a card, everything falls. "They perform a maintenance function of the trophy pyramid, and if they were missing, the whole system would be disappointed, he said. (CM)

Dietary preferences
° Feeding depends on each species. There are omnivorous birds, that is to say that they eat everything; the ultra-specialized who ingest prey with extreme peculiarities; there are frugivores like toucans, who prefer fruits and seeds. There are also carnivores, as in the case of raptors, or even scavengers, who like decaying carcbades, reported Carlos Barriocbad, who devoted himself to researching the effects of climate change on migratory birds .

° Several organizations around the world have promoted the 2018 statement as the Year of the Birds. This is to attract attention and generate awareness campaigns, awareness and conservation.

Birds provide not only an ecosystem service, but also artistic because of its beauty, said ornithologist and researcher Héctor Cadena. He added that "through the group" Aves Quito & # 39; monthly discussions are organized with different specialists on these animals. Exits of observation are also favored


In the world

° Climate change is the cause of the extinction of 11 species of d & # 39; 39 Birds and to send to the list of threats to others 35.

° Birds are the only group of animal species present on the seven continents. This includes deserts, polar ice caps and complex urban environments.

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