The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción, QUITO

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador rejected the protective action requested by the American oil company Chevron, whose objective was to avoid the sentence pronounced by the Court and evade its legal responsibility in the restoration of the zones

This resolution was carried out on June 27 and was officially published yesterday afternoon in a document of 151 pages . With this resolution c the remedies available in Ecuador are published in this judicial process.

William Lucitante, Executive Coordinator of the Affected Unit by Texaco (UDAPT), said that it is a big step towards justice. UDAPT is an organization that protects over 30 thousand affected and has been instructed to bring this case to court.

He also stated that with this resolution Chevron will no longer be able to deceive other jurisdictions by saying that the sentence is not enforceable because the lawsuit does not not ended in Ecuador.

For Donald Moncayo, sub-coordinator of the UDAPT and representative of affected communities, is a triumph that goes beyond the organization and It also belongs to hundreds of Organizations and citizens around the world struggling to obtain justice. Moncayo pointed out that the 25 years of this case served as an example against the impunity of transnational corporations.

In Ecuador the role of the judges of the three courts and the judges of the Constitutional Court were crucial, according to Pablo Fajardo, Common Prosecutor of the Victims. He underlined his thanks on behalf of the country for failing to succumb to blackmail and corruption practices, common to Transnationals in many cases during the trial

"We have not not defeated only Chevron, we won the corporate impunity system in Ecuador ", said Fajardo, and pointed out that the Ecuadorian judicial system was the only one in the world to handle this case in depth . The reason has been given by both the National Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court, thanks to the evidence and the legal arguments that have made it possible to prove and verify the case.

The coordinator of the UDAPT declared that it was unthinkable a group of 30,000 natives is facing a transnational corporation such as Chevron . "Now we show that it's possible," he added. Lucitante, as well as those affected, will continue to plead in foreign courts to challenge the sentence . [ad_2]
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