The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Pablo Izquierdo

Mauricio Rodas has no choice but to refuse his candidacy for the election of the mayor of Quito. We expected more. We saw him as a leader, a visionary who projects the modern Quito and the future. This momentum, charisma and speeches benefited from Quito's lbaditude and the ingenuity of his competitor, who believed that the votes were endorsed.

Rhodes lost a brilliant opportunity to graduate as a politician. It was more waiting than reality. Add corruption scandals. He stayed suspended and repeated the year on issues such as health, pollution and waste.

The people of Quito did not walk on garbage and in the middle of nauseating smells. Now there is no park, post office, corner, sidewalk, avenue, street or front door or public or private building that does not overflow with 39; garbage. With the inevitable puppies digging, breaking and scattering the dump.

There has never been a management plan for waste collection. On the contrary, there was: they distributed containers on all four sides of the city, drugs that were worse than the disease. Transformed into slag heaps, they disappeared.

Garbage is collected in dilapidated dumpsters and goes outdoors on any day and at any time. The effort is noted in avenues such as the Republic of El Salvador in the sumptuous north and lack of willpower in avenues like El Inca in the popular north. South of Quito not to speak: a dump.

It is common that after garbage stays for hours in the corner, the worker – poorly paid and unprotected – who picks up garbage, uses a wood like shovel and a cardboard as waste to try to pick up the garbage. garbage scattered. Thus, until Monday

The delay in the treatment of waste in our capital is reflected in the delay in our country in terms of recycling. There is no national law that encourages separation at the source, and even less in three parts: non-recyclable waste (sanitary waste, diapers and batteries), recyclable (paper, cardboard, glbad, cans and plastic containers) ) and organic (leftover food, leaves, branches). Mayor, thank you for not recycling your application.

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