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According to the intention, the tones with which a place is painted generate different emotions and sensations.

Although it is true that good nutrition, sports and rest time required, among others, help maintain the health and the best minds of people, because they are not the only requirements. The right design and precise colors in the spaces of housing, work, studies, medical care or anywhere where the daily tasks are performed help to feel better.

In this context, interior design plays an important role in contributing to this well-being, since it intervenes in the functional distribution of spaces, the proper handling of lighting, the breakdown, shapes, textures and especially the color that besides being the taste of the person meets Patricia Dávalos, director of the school of interior design of the. University of the Americas (UDLA)

The specialist believes that an organized, welcoming and comfortable environment gives users a calm and safe experience. "The space in which we live becomes something fundamental in everyday life, it improves our mood, generates positivism," which is why it recommends not to choose the tones at random, nor in terms of trends, decoration and aesthetics, but taking into account the tastes and needs of those who will use them

not only has a decorative application, it is also a powerful weapon to provoke sensations and emotions in places.This will be done by the interior design expert, who through a study of the user and the space to intervene, will know in to make a functional corner with the range of shades, shapes and appropriate textures that combine and complement, says the teacher.

To give tranquility
But colors also affect people's moods and health , says Dávalos.The correct use of tone in the health environments such as clinics, waiting rooms and hospitals, contributes to the mood of the patient, promotes a good staff predisposition when it is to participate and allows a better medical experience . It also creates a balance between the well-being of the patient, the medical team and the visitors, he says.

And although the white color is used to this day in hospitals or clinics, in the country, under the concept of sanitation and cleaning, it is a tone that is not more strongly recommended and, rather, the surgeries are directed to apply different in floors, walls and ceilings according to the specialty of the offices.

If it's address to children, adults or seniors, the Phoenix Children's Hospital has the example. He used bold shades at the front desk, in the waiting rooms, in the cafeteria, in the doctor's offices and even in the rooms. There, the lighting is mixed with orange and yellow green walls, purple and fuchsia furniture, which awaken joy, enthusiasm and dynamism in the surroundings.

This example of combination shows that the same color should not dominate the environments, that the tones be different and combinable, without monotony, so as not to saturate the spaces, says the specialist.

"We have to think about this to create clinics that have scenarios that convey tranquility, comfort and comfort and we go into the use of color to convey feelings and well-being and to help with confidence, to have a better disposition and knowing how to wait, "he says

First steps
The change of patterns in the colors of health care is happening in private practices, says Dávalos In many of them, professionals with colorful aprons and patterns for kids are appreciated, for example, with cheerful colors on their walls and designs that catch the attention of babies. (CM) [19659003]

Colors of the guide
° The tones of the rainbow serve as a basis for creating all the decomposition of colors and structuring the palettes that will be used in each space, according to Patricia Dávalos, director of the UDLA's Interior Design School

Black and white are neutral shades, blue conveys the sensation of cold, yellow represents the light. life and red are the symbol of pbadion.

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