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Colombian singer promotes campaign against violence against women

Arelys Henao, "The Queen of Popular Music", launches the song "No puedo callar", a song badociated with campaign against the abuse of women.

This publication aims to raise awareness and reduce violence against women, which has caused thousands of femicides in the region and around the world.

"The song is about feminicide, something that is tormenting Latin America with alarming numbers, so we launched this campaign, which was a success in Colombia and now we bring it in Ecuador, we want to sensitize women so that they are valued and that they do not allow ill-treatment.There is also a message to men, so that they are controlled. " , explains the singer born in Antioquia

"This is the only woman able to put an end to this problem that illuminates the society of today, we can not remain silent," he says. is the solution, if we denounce and take action on the subject in time, before other consequences occur, "adds the singer, who is in Ecuador promoting the issue in the media.

Pretty graphic

The video clip that accompanies this single is loud, it shows raw images of abuse and violence against women, in a story with Carolina Quevedo and Ramiro Meneses, renowned Colombian actors.

This single is part of the album 'Mi historia', produced in Guadalajara (Mexico), in the workshop Rancho Viejo de Vicente Fernández, under the direction of Javier Ramírez and of the sound engineer Alejandro Ramírez. The composition was made by Hernán Darío Hernández, known in the Colombian coffee axis.

Viral campaign
The success of the campaign started by Arelys exceeded their expectations, says the artist, who has stopped promoting this melody, which on YouTube has nearly 5 million and a half reproductions. 19659011] EL DATO
The video was shot in 5k format under the direction of Luis Velasco "The main motivation for starting the campaign began with the murder of a niece last November in Antioquia: They killed them in a ruthless and cruel way.In the beginning we wanted the killer to come forward and send a message to the women, "said Arelys, noting that the message reached many parts of the continent with great force and speed

"In truth, the campaign in six months He has achieved many things I meet women in Ecuador and Colombia and they congratulate me and they agree, they say they want to go forward, "says Henao proudly.

Arelys is known for making social songs, always focused on what the woman is going through and various everyday problems.

"I feel like I'm singing in front of thousands of women who are suffering In silence, I see their tears at concerts singing. Blows are the door of death, "he explains.

A Musical Life

Sidebar Introduction

° Arelys Henao was born in Sabbadarga Antioquia (Colombia), began composing Since childhood, she has always dreamed of singing to annoy and express his way of seeing life in his musical works.

° Her recordings began in 1996, and since that year she has recorded more than 100 songs, voices in 6 albums and various collaborations. He has over 200 compositions performed by different artists, who believed in their talent for making musical works.

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