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In an act that lasted about 45 minutes, today on Thursday, July 12, 2018, the transition from the administration of the Revoked Mayor of Loja, José Bolívar Castillo to Piedad Pineda was finalized.

The act that formalized this change of leaders in the local government of the capital Loja was detained after 18 days of electors revoked their mandate at the polls with 70.92 percent of the vote. And it began with a wait between 30 minutes and one hour, with the presence of municipal officials.

In his speech, Castillo said that he left the Loja Plan of the 21st century and that "we should continue to work on it" and insisted that the media devoted themselves to talking badly about him.

Castillo reiterated that he will no longer be a candidate, although he will continue as in the political sphere and that he will let Piedad Pineda administer as he sees fit. His speech lasted about 30 minutes and even some generated some yawns.

While the new mayor in seven minutes expressed that they are different people and "I will follow the path with my style, my personality, my way to achieve the goals point in the direction that I think relevant, the social address. "

Although he did not indicate whether there will be changes of officials or not, in previous interviews, he hinted that he will do it." (DVL .

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