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The Colombian government announced Thursday the capture of 14 suspects from the killing of three judicial officers on the border with Ecuador where military pressure on rebel dissidents of the FARC increases Accused of this and other crimes

Members of the Technical Investigation Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor (CTI) were shot dead Wednesday by a commando that intercepted their vehicle ] on the highway that connects the city Pasto with Tumaco the municipality with the most narcotic plants in the world

"The first involved in the loose murder of members of the CTI have already fallen, "said President Juan Manuel Santos on his Twitter account

Initially, the authorities took over part of the capture of eight alleged dissidents of the former FARC guerrillas responsible for events, but stopped six others.

The bodies of the detectives were cremated with the van in which they were mobilized.

The alleged cases fell in a combined force operation at Tumaco in the Nariño border department.

"This operation, in addition to being an interinstitutional response, gives us an immense amount of information about the bands operating in this region of the country" said Defense Minister, Luis Carlos Villegas at a press conference.

The official badured that in addition weapons were seized, explosives and communications equipment .

Authorities reported from the beginning Front Oliver Sinisterra as responsible for the attack .

The organization is at the helm of Walther Arizala, aka Guacho a former ex-commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) who broke with the United States. Peace agreement signed at the end After the captures, Santos promised punishment for the murderers: "We go for all the officials, that there is no doubt that Guacho and his people will pay", did he warned.

Indicated by the Colombian authorities to function as Guacho's group is one of several gangs that dispute the control of drug trafficking in Nariño Department .

In addition is accused of murder in the department of Nariño. captivity of an Ecuadorian couple and a journalistic team of the newspaper El Comercio de Quito

Following these crimes that occurred between March and April the Colombian and Ecuadorian authorities launched a fierce offensive against A Rizala .

Without a unified command, dissidents operate in remote areas of Colombia where they dispute the rents of drug trafficking and illegal mining. According to military intelligence, they would have an army of 1,200 fighters .

Colombia remains the world's largest producer of cocaine. Until 2017, there were 209,000 hectares planted with the raw material of this drug a record number, said a recent report from the United States.

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