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Diligence should have happened yesterday. The plaintiff revealed the details of the operation Guayacán

The former president Rafael Correa asked to extend his version in front of the prosecutor's office in the investigation of the kidnapping politician Fernando Balda, a fact that happened in Colombia. But he did not appear at the consulate in Belgium, where he currently resides, to comply with this diligence.

The Office of the Prosecutor decided that the ex-client would expand his version yesterday at 12:00; The same time was also established for the former Minister of the Interior, José Serrano.

However, because of the lack of "adequate safeguards", he did not do so. So confirmed his lawyer Fernando Molina, who said that he will ask, as part of the tax instruction that culminates next Wednesday, to report a new day and time. Although Correa's other lawyer, Caupolicán Ochoa, said he did not show up because of personal annoyance.

The necessary safeguards for the former president Correa to give his version are, according to Molina, that the procedures be respected in the framework of the Interpol red alert, requested by Judge Daniella Camacho , and the respect of the hearing appeal of the preventive detention, whose date will be set today at the National Court of Justice. Molina also explained that "the prolixity with which the consular agents acted" draws attention to the interest of the former president in seeking asylum. "The Spanish diplomat has made" good offices "regarding a possible asylum application."

New revelations
Balda also went to the Procuratorate yesterday to hear the versions and make public the declbadified documents of the National Intelligence Secretariat (Senain) that talk about the Guayacán operation. More than 500 pages have gone into the process this week, which are being reviewed by the defense of the former ruling party of the Patriotic Society.

The legal defense of the company Mejía + Quintero Abogados had a cost of 200 thousand dollars plus VAT (16%).
The Guayacán operation, according to documents revealed by Balda, shows how on February 17, 2016, an answer was made to a request of the legal secretary of the Senain, Xavier Redrován, to represent and defend legally the exaggerated Diana Falcón and Raúl Chicaiza, for a judicial process developed in Colombia.

The professional services proposal comes from Mejía + Quintero Abogados. The firm said that "as it could be verified with the information obtained, there is evidence and material evidence that seriously compromises the interested parties". In this, according to Balda, the goal was "to support the agent Raúl Chicaiza can avoid being pursued by Colombian justice."

Correa's defense also had access to these documents, but Molina pointed out that "the opportune moment" of a statement will be at the pre-trial hearing. (AGO)

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