The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


For the diagnosis of the IMF, still confused but gross. He badyzed our economic reality and considered us half dead. That's the truth: we chose the easiest way out of the crisis: continue to borrow, until when? Until we meet the requirements of the IMF to lend us money. The measures will be very difficult and unpopular. Moreno must have done it but none of this has happened, largely because the noisy of the decadent decade continue to govern and even dare to organize marches to support the fugitive. The IMF confirms all the crimes of Correa: exceeding the debt ceiling by 40%, distorting real economic figures so that we can imagine the solvency, the secrets of the badault of the central bank and the l '. IESS, the anticipated sales of oil. Judges must prosecute for offenses that do not prescribe it, such as embezzlement. He travels the world by victimizing and persuading governments that he is a politically persecuted. This cowardice will not pardon Judge Camacho and neither will we.

Carlos Mosquera Benalcázar
CC: 1702401231

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