The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world



Thousands of people demonstrated this Friday in London against the visit of US President Donald Trump.

"The police estimate that the demonstration has reached 250,000 people," said organizers, People's Assembly, citing a union leader who received the information.

The procession procession, which ran through some of London's main thoroughfares before coming to Trafalgar Square, was about 1.5 km long

"This is the carnival of the resistance "or" my mother does not like, and she loves everyone! " Are some of the banners that protesters advance on Oxford Street

"No Trump, No Ku Kux Klan, No Fascist US!", They Singed, while they were beating pots or blowing trumpets.

with the slogan "Stop Trump",

"Donald Trump is misogynist, macho, homophobic, xenophobic, encourages intolerance … and has small hands!", a said a protester, 42-year-old Georgina Rose, resorting to a frequent joke about the president and the businessman.

Grant White, 32, wore a banner depicting Trump as the bird of the Twitter logo, with a swastika under the wing.

] "I am antiBrexit, antiTrump, there is a wave of fascism that we have to break free of ourselves."

Dawn, 49, came with her daughter, Sadie, 11 years old.

"Trump is the man with the greatest ego, responsible for the world's leading power.He has no idea what the world needs," says the mother.

The image of the day was nonetheless the big balloon representing Trump as a layered baby who was rising in the sky near Parliament for a few hours, with the blessing of Mayor Sadiq Khan, to whom Trump devoted some darts .

The official part of Trump's visit to the United Kingdom, his first president, ended on Friday with his meeting to have tea with Queen Isabel II, before traveling to Scotland to spend the week-end end in private.

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