The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world



With at least half a million roses which form a replica of the pyramid of Cochasquí, 200 meters long, Ecuador is trying to beat the Guinness record of ] the world's largest floral arrangement .

Today, Friday, July 13, 2008, this structure was almost ready in Pedro Moncayo township north of Pichincha, to be checked and inspected by the conservatives of the organization Archival archival can verify

of here tomorrow, July 14, at 10:00, it is expected that the arrangement presented at an official ceremony in the Plazoleta de la Badas de Tabacundo, with the presence of the official delegate of the book of records and the authorities of the canton


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The work was built for three weeks with the help of 50 experts and neighbors Pedro Moncayo and received donations from about 200 farms in the area that has been noted for a to see a privileged climate for the growth of high quality roses .

Pedro Moncayo was declared "world capital of the rose". and his roses were featured in world fairs and were part of arrangements such as the one that received Pope Francisco in Ecuador.

From the challenge of placing the 500,000 roses one by one, he gives an account of his weight of this voluminous structure: 14 tons. (PCV)

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