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Humpback whales reach tropical waters at this time to mate.

25 km from the beach of Puerto López (Manabí), aboard a yacht, a group of domestic and foreign tourists, dressed in orange lifejackets, they point their cameras at a single target: a couple humpback whales "in love".

Humpback whales exist on a global scale.

The male, with jumps, wings and even the expulsion of water to the sky, hopes to attract the attention of the female, for the purpose of that she, finally, decide for him. It's a ritual of "aquatic love".

"Oh my God! -Oh my God!", Heard the crew more blonde and skin reddened by the sun, just when a cetacean, hidden in the deep blue of the sea, redid surface to the surface in a spectacular jump of over five meters high.

in the North Pacific Its gray mbad was visible, its whitish mouth, its head filled with a series of protuberances and its unique bump located at the beginning of its dorsal fin. 19659007] They are very friendly and affectionate animals; they like to steal their eyes and behold, they are "smart and have never hurt anything or anyone. They seek only the warm waters of the Pacific to bring their young to the world, "says Richard Molina, naturalist guide.

in the North Atlantic.
These mammals also choose Puerto Cayo, Caráquez Bay, Manta, Pedernales, Manabí, Salinas to Santa Elena and Súa to Esmeraldas

Learn more about these giant animals (PT)

Known as the name yubarta or gubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae), is a cetacean belonging to the family Balaenopteridae or whale Its common name, the humpback whale, comes from the way it arches when submerged.

MIGRATORY SPECIES [19659016] It is believed that due to the freezing cold of Antarctic waters and their predators, such as great sharks and killer whales, they have only to look for safer and more temperate waters. with a very thin layer of fat that would not allow them to survive in icy waters.

More than 7,000 kilometers travel about 6,000 humpback whales each year, from the cold waters of Antarctica to the South Pole up to Ecuador, to give birth to their young and find alternative survival to their species (mating). The first species to arrive in the country (in June) are juvenile males, while pregnant females are the last to arrive. Humpback whales choose the Ecuadorian coast because the temperature of the water is warmer. They are fired in September

Females reach badual maturity at 5 years of age. Males do it at 7. The gestation period is 11 months. A humpback whale calf weighs around 900 kg at birth and is between 3 and 4.5 meters long. The puppy takes about 45 liters of bad milk a day, until he is weaned at about 6 months old.

Humpback whales and other species of whales produce songs by forcing air through their nasal cavities. While males and females sing, only males sing particularly long songs that can last up to 20 minutes and that are composed of a wide variety of bbad tones. It is known that some humpback whales have sung without stopping for 24 hours. Scientists are unsure of the meaning of songs (and clicks, grunts, and other sounds), whether to attract females, challenge males, or use echolocation to find food. 19659027] CHARACTERISTICS

The humpback whale is one of the largest cetaceans. Females can reach 19 meters long, while males are smaller, reaching up to 15 meters. The approximate weight is about 36 tons.

The caudal fin is its mark of identity, since its coloring pattern is different for each specimen. They have between 12 and 36 furrows (gular folds) which increase in size while feeding. The dorsal fin also varies among individuals. The heart of a humpback whale can weigh up to 200 kg, the equivalent of 3 adult males. It has an approximate longevity of 50 years.

(Source: Ministry of Tourism)

° Tour operators must have a tourism register, an operating license and an insurance policy for all pbadengers

° Pbadengers, including the crew and guides, must wear life jackets.

° The approach of vessels should start at 400 m for whales and 200 m for dolphins. During the observation, a distance of 10 m should be maintained with the whales and 50 m with the dolphins.

° For approach and departure, the authorized speed of the boats will be 8 km per hour.

° If a whale approaches the boat, he must stop the vessel.

° For observation, consider a time of 25 minutes. And if there were puppies for 15 minutes

° Pbadengers should not get up or change places on the boat.

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