The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción Esmeraldas

Seventy-five versions are part of the recording of 28 sheets in the so-called crime of organized crime and of terrorism against Walter A., alias' Guacho & # 39; which is not only attributed to the kidnapping and death of five Ecuadorians, but a chain of attacks on the northern border of Ecuador.

During the 120 days of investigation promoted by the Office of the Prosecutor through the Special Investigation Unit against Transnational Organized Crime (Unidot) and the the investigation group composed of several police units, he managed to prosecute 28.

Ecuador; three in Colombia and eight are fugitives, among them Guacho, dissident of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). It is also the subject of an investigation for organizing the explosion of a car bomb in the police barracks of San Lorenzo . Like detonations against a Naval Reservoir in the Bourbon parish of Eloy Alfaro Township.

Application to the judge

After the tax instruction of 120 was completed days, the Attorney General of the State will ask the judge of the case the day and the time for the pre-trial hearing.

At the chain of attacks is added the perpetrated to an electric tower in the parish Viche del Canton Quinindé . The terrorist actions, plus an ambush against the army that produced four deaths, took place in a period of less than three months.

With this and other violent actions, the Office of the Prosecutor updated 2,800 useful sheets. It also has audio, video, voice and information extraction tests at the technological equipment.

Militarily, the Ecuadorian State created the Joint Task Force Esmeraldas, which aims to ensure integral security in the region. northern border, where its inhabitants have resumed their daily lives. The group's most recent reports are the controls on the movement of arms, ammunition and explosives in the Mataje sector of San Lorenzo. (DLH)

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