The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Caesar Ulloa Tapia

Which city do we want? This question is followed by a set of problems to be solved and aspirations to fulfill. In the first case, it would be necessary to evaluate whether, among those who live in Quito, there is a sense of belonging as a constituent element of our local identity. And it also means knowing if the city is part of our life project, where needs are realized from the most basic and extraordinary goals that are projected in future generations.

This is a two-way street, because it means measuring what institutions do and how they do it, but also what citizens do to achieve a long-term city project.

The construction of a city as a project of life, although it goes through an ideal theme However, it implies a political will, an active citizenship, resources, talents and alliances of different modalities . The first is translated into a set of agreements derived from the foundations of ideological plurality, since no city should be the plan of a single party, movement or political group. ; it therefore requires large doses of generosity, detachment and pragmatism. The second requires the empowerment of the different generations of their duties and rights in a logic of progressivity and responsibility

In terms of resources and talents, it is essential to reinforce the comparative advantages, c & # 39; that is, the huge benefits of Quito. without the human being having intervened in anything, in its nature, its climate and its strategic position as half of the world, whereas the competitive advantages require the training of its representatives to the insertion in a global world where actions and allegories

The city must project itself globally, in terms of glocality. Alliances are nothing but the ability to provoke dialogues that lead to concrete and sustained actions between the public and private sectors, the university and society, some generations with others, in a proposal of inclusivity, respect, equality and democracy

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