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In the Assembly, the preparation of the report on what will be the new health code progresses. One of the most controversial topics is a proposal to include regulations regarding the therapeutic use of cannabis

. The initiative is promoted by the correísta Gabriela Rivadeneira, who is part of the Health Commission, responsible for drafting this legal body. That after that, in the previous legislative period failed to make his project prosper as a separate law. Rivadeneira hopes that the discussion will develop "without dogmas" and badured that in the world there is a lot of scientific research that allows the marketing of products with cannabidiol, a component of the cannabis plant.

"There are badociations of children with refractory epilepsy, for example, who are very much awaiting approval of this, as well as cancer patients where they are usurping the disease. Use of morphine that causes terrible side effects on the human body, "he said.

is the article of the Health Code which deals with the subject

In favor of this initiative has was pronounced Wilson Merino, spokesperson for the National Accord against Cancer. "I defend, with empirical evidence, the legalization of cannabis as a tool to overcome pain and promote a decent quality of life for people in mourning," he said.

However, Diego Riofrío, a doctor who is part of a private institute. He opposes this initiative because he fears that the legalization of the marketing of the substance leads to new addictions.

"I believe that the legalization of a drug that, by nature, alters the functioning of the central nervous system.The Chairman of the Health Commission, the official William Garzón, who is also a doctor, excluded that cannabidiol causes addictions and pointed out that "it is wrong" that with the Code will allow the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes.

At the end of the last year, the Expert Committee of the World Health Organization (OM) S) in Drug Dependence concluded that, in pure form, cannabidiol does not appear to be harmful or involve a risk of abuse. (VRD)

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