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Public Defender Ernesto Pazmiño took about three years to return to a meeting of the Judicial Council. During Gustavo Jalkh's presidency, the Office of the Public Defender stopped attending the so-called court tables, which were held periodically every two or three months.

The Ministers of Justice and the Interior, the Attorney General and the President of the National Court. The last summoned by Jalkh was on January 15 in Guayaquil

After Jalkh's departure and the possession of temporary vowels in the Judicature, Pazmiño changed his mind. He had stopped going there because of the differences he had with the way the justice system was run. On top of that they stopped inviting, as revealed to La Hora.

"These meetings were only to listen to the criteria of the President of the Council (Jalkh), but have never heard the autonomous bodies," argues Pazmiño. The meetings "were exclusively intended for the visualization of statistics".

Therefore, the first statements he made in conjunction with the new temporary vowels, in a press conference, referred to the new period.

El Dato
The member of the Judicial Council met last week with the President of the National Court of Justice.

"Almost three years ago, I came back here, I think that after this decade of kidnapping, it is important that the organs of the justice system come together to plan transcendental issues, "he said.

Another meeting

the Judicature convened a press conference at noon, but started late. members of the Council; The Attorney General in charge, Paúl Pérez, and the Public Defender were in a meeting, in a "very positive and relaxed atmosphere," according to Pazmiño

The Attorney General recognized the need for the presence of Pazmiño in the "How much we have the presence of the Public Defender, who is at the head of the institution with which we must work together and make a single effort to advance all the coordination for the benefit of the victims", he declared during this

Also temporary member of the judiciary Zobeida Aragundi spoke about the presence of the Office of the Prosecutor and the Ombudsman. "A long time ago, it would have been impossible for us to sit down with these autonomous authorities, which are part of the social and administrative machinery," he said.
The meetings will not be defined yet, but according to the discussion of the month, there will be sessions "as many times as necessary", revealed Pazmiño. "I was very happy with the meeting because I found that there was a willingness to listen to the two autonomous organs of the judiciary," he concluded. (AGO)

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