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Editorial MOSCÚ,

Luzhniki stadium, emblematic stadium of the 2018 World Cup, proclaims today (10:00) the new kings of football. The elected will come out of an unexpected clash between France and Croatia, two teams that started the tournament outside the group of favorites and that will give them a breath of fresh air.

Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar Jr. arrived as the big stars of the world wanting to impose their hierarchy. Brazil and Germany have emerged as leading contenders to the throne. None could survive a tachycardic tournament, with moments for history and, why not for small football.

Russia 2018 will offer relief from Germany, which in this tournament had a disappointing performance and fell first change. This will not be the edition in which a South American team will emulate Brazil from Pele and win on European territory.

The new king will be France, who will try to get the second title in his history, or Croatia who will try to become In the ninth champion

The finalists [19659002] Thus they reach the most important game
France Croatia
PJ 6 6
PG 5 4
EP 1 2
PP 0 0
MINS 580.16 679.36
AIMS 10 12
TYROS 75 100
A DOOR 24 26
YELLOW 10 14
fouls committed 79101
91 93 fouls
Possession 49% 55%
Pbades ATTEMPT 2773 3358
2331 2755 complete pbadages
DIST. TRAVEL 607.50 KM 723.95 KM

Deschamps, the "man" with luck & # 39;

Editorial MOSCÚ,

Didier Deschamps is famous in France for being a man with a lot of luck, but the technician 'Blue' not only has the goddess the chance to be close to the story, to be able to become the third person to win the world cup as a player and coach.

The Cup as captain in 1998, Deschamps could win the second star for France. "I will not complain … although there will surely be others better than me," he said of his so-called good fortune.

I tried to make the players understand that they are probably in front of their most beautiful game. lives It's a privilege to play this game. There is nothing more important. "Didier Deschamps, DT of France The finalist team of the Mondial-2018 bears the stamp of" DD ", as they know him in his country. player who won the World Cup with France, the Cup of Europe in Marseille and defended the colors of Juventus, Chelsea and Valencia among others: orderly, seasoned, tireless, fighter and with a lot of people.

France today stands out above all for its ability to defend, even the attackers, who have no problem delaying their position to participate in the destruction.

Beyond their good luck and of their knowledge of football, the players of France also highlight the way they treat them, knowing perfectly what a footballer feels. "He knows how to talk to the players (…) and manages to deliver the messages that he wants to pbad on to us, "said Paul Pogba about it on Thursday.

Desch amps, who will turn 50 on October 15, has come to power. coach of France after Eurocopa-2012 replacing Laurent Blanc, partner of the generation that raised the World Cup in 1998.

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