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Helsinki, Finland AFP

Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin promised Monday to revive the complex relations between the world's largest nuclear powers at its first summit in Helsinki where the US president refused to condemn the alleged Russian interference in the elections in his country.

The two presidents left their meeting in Helsinki expressing their desire to cooperate in the global challenges after discussions on a series of topics that included Syria, Ukraine and China up to the end of the year. At the imposition of tariffs and the size of his nuclear arsenals

Standing with Putin at a joint press conference, Trump said that they had "spent a lot of time talking about "the presumed election interference of Moscow in the 2016 elections that the current US president has won. He avoided going into details or explicitly condemning any Russian interference, after 12 Russian agents were indicted last week for this case in the United States .

When the verdict of their own intelligence chiefs, Trump pointed out that Putin "was extremely strong and direct in his refusal today and what he did was an incredible offer" said the occupant of the White House. He added that the investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller had been a "catastrophe" for the United States .

Trump again denied any form of collusion between his campaign and the Kremlin, while Putin maintained: The Russian has never interfered and has no intention of interfering in the domestic affairs of the United States. "

The US president, determined to forge a personal connection with the Kremlin leader despite election accusations, has entered into the" stupidity "of his predecessors to allow bilateral relations to fall to current levels. [19659003] Trump and Putin insisted on highlighting the positives

"Our relationship has never been worse than it was. It is now, however, that changed about four hours ago, I really believe it, "said Trump, and promised that the summit was" just the beginning. "" Very, very good start, "did he remarked

Putin added: "It is obvious to everyone that bilateral relations are going through a difficult period, but there are no objective reasons for these difficulties and the current climate of tension".

After celebrating the "frank atmosphere" of the summit, the Russian leader felt that the talks "were very successful and useful."

– Puros elogios –

The meeting only with their respective translators lasted more than two hours in a room of the presidential palace of the Finnish capital which has a long tradition as the seat of the summits East-West.

Before this meeting, Trump had expressed in front of Putin his hope in the realization of An "extraordinary" relationship "

"I am very happy that we are together", "the time has come to talk about our relationships in the background," said Putin

and Trump also clarified his usual tone: well , not in Washington, many people did not like Trump's decision to sit alone with Putin worried that he could negotiate with the former head of the spies of the KGB, after rubbing shoulders with autocratic leaders of the KGB. In fact, some critics in his country wanted the suspension of the Helsinki summit after Friday, the 12 Russian agents were formally accused by Mueller after a lengthy investigation into the alleged hacking of Democratic emails in a attempt to bring Trump to power.

Putin, congratulated by Trump and many other world leaders for the successful organization of the Russia-2018 World Cup, said: "The time has come to speak substantially about our relationships and the problem areas of the world. "

Trump added," Frankly, we have not got along well in a few years, and I really believe the world wants us to get along, we are the two great nuclear powers. "

– Fears at Home –

The American billionaire, who spent 18 months in the White House, hopes to establish a personal relationship with the former head of the KGB, which has ruled Russia since 2000. [19459008

Many diplomats and badysts fear that US President Putin's concessions on issues such as the war in Syria or the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

Before the summit, Trump said in a surprising tweet that tense relations between Washington and Moscow are due to the FBI's "witch hunt" which investigates Russian influence in elections presidential elections.

Syria was expected to occupy a prominent place in the talks, since Trump is eager to withdraw US troops deployed in the country.

Russia, on the contrary, has intervened to support the regime of Bashar Al Asad since 2015, more than ever before to play a key role in Syria.

The summit of this Monday is the last leg of a weeklong trip across Europe in which Trump has severely attacked his allies, especially Germany.

It was the fourth time that an American president met his Russian counterpart in Helsinki, after meetings between Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev (1975), George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev (1990) and Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin (1997).

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