The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


"The Tsars of Ballet" brings together artists from the main theaters of Russia. It is presented tonight at the CCE.

Stories or great stories can not only be told with words. The body and its movements are able to convey all the sensations contained in these stories that captivate adults and children.

With a selection of fragments from "Don Quixote", "Scheherazade", "The Sleeping Beauty," "Swan Lake", between others, the "Los Zares del Ballet" gala brings together artists from three Russian ballet theaters.

They meet again tonight at 8:00 pm at the National Theater of the House of Ecuadorian Culture (CEC).

Russian Ballet
& # 39; The Tsars of Ballet & # 39; to the participation of artists from Russian theaters Marinsky, Mikhailovsky and Stanislavsky. These, along with the Bolshoi, are, according to Alexander González, director of the event, "the world's most important theaters in terms of clbadical ballet".

The show will have a total duration of one hour and 45 minutes. "What we are trying to do with this show," says González, "is that people can see the different currents of the ballet world in one scenario."

The gala "is a compilation of the most important figures and recognized by the public," says the soloist Liza Barkalova, who will play the character of Katya in "Don Quixote".

Scenes like the marriage of the characters Vasil and Katya, to whom goes the gentleman Don Quichotte of the Mancho with his squire Sancho Panza; or the fight between the black swan and the white swan for the Prince's love in "Swan Lake", will be part of the evening.

The show is part of a tour that opens in Ecuador and will tour Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

The soloist Ivan Sitnikov says that he is excited for the opening. "We are eager to see what happens, it's our first time in Ecuador," he says, adding, "We have staged what made the Russian ballet famous." ( DLH)

The soloists
Ivan Sitnikov and Liza Barkalova are two of the dancers of the Gala, who perform the "Pas de deux", or the duet of "Don Quichotte", and Sitnikov as Vasil and Barkalova in the role of Katya, with the music of the Austrian Ludwig Minkus

"My father is a very important dancer, so I started practicing dance before being born," says Sitnikov, who has He began his professional career at the Marinsky Theater and is currently an international soloist

Barkalova, "I have been in the world of ballet since the age of three years." Sitnikov, guest soloist at the Ballet Festival St. Petersburg, explains that "to be professional in the world of dance, you have to work r 12 or 13 years old before the age of 18, which is already the case. one graduates. "


Excerpt from Presentations

° Quito: 18 July, Teatro Nacional CCE

° Guayaquil: 20 and 21 July, Teatro Centro de León Febres-Cordero Art

° Ibarra: July 23, Theater of Greater Colombia

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