The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Pablo Izquierdo Pinos

Let a blind person arrive alone and climb stairs, to ask for requirements to deal with handicap qualification. That's a woman with stroke, who she said did not stress and stay isolated from the noise, telling her that the clinic where she was is no longer a qualified entity by order of the MSP and leave her on a waiting list until December. That a father asks the state that he and his 15 year old daughter are suffering from a catastrophic illness, check with genetic studies carried out abroad for his illness.

These are just examples of what potentially 1,600,000 Ecuadorians with disabilities may suffer from in the face of the inability of a handful of techno-bureaucratic ignorant people. Never, as now, have I seen so much paperwork to request a study, an badysis, a consultation for a disabled patient.

Photo and copy of identity: go ahead and go. Ask a patient in a wheelchair that comes from Shell or El Angel medical certificates of three or four specialists from the last six months, treatment, number of hospitalizations, prognosis. If you do not have it, the doctor of the qualifying unit will give you the reference to non-members. Are they requirements or obstacles? Reward of comfort if you succeed: a disability card. For a poor man, he guarantees a bonus, to a rich man, a luxury car.

Of course, if he lives in Finland or Uruguay, in a specialized hospital, he will do the operation in two days or the hospital will go where you know it. you will find super specialists, rehabilitation doctors, psychologists, pedagogues, social workers, therapists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists, early stimulation technicians. At this crucis of time and miles, they pompously call it a "multidisciplinary" and "integral" plan.

The requalification: presents the same thing for the second or third time. More explanations, more visits to the doctor, more lost workdays, more money spent. Fatigue and family exhaustion, anger, helplessness. Efforts that should be used with your loved ones or strengthen family relationships and not deteriorate through grueling procedures. We are so vain that propaganda forces us to say that we are an example to the world in terms of disability.

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