The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Editorial Board of Esmeraldas.

Six representatives of Esmeraldas one with voice and vote, are those who will expose the needs after the earthquake of the green province the second most affected by remeson of 16 April 2016

The requirements are exposed to the Vice President Maria Alejandra Vicuña who had Muisne on his agenda today, but the rain prevented him. There the local authorities were going to ask, among other things, that the declaratory of emergency and risk zone of the island be reviewed resolution that prevents granting of permits for new constructions.

However, the mayor of Muisneños, as well as those of the last six townships in the province, will be able to explain their needs related to the impact of the earthquake.

The meeting is parallel to the meeting of the Reconstruction Committee the Vice President, where Esmeraldas has a representative and Manabí three .

The team is joined by seven ministers and the technical secretary, together they processed 2.954 million collected between the taxes of the law. Regarding the number of members of the Committee, Ms Vicuña said that this had already been discussed in March and that for the moment it was not on the agenda. What he says in the badysis is how it will help the merchants affected in the two provinces, who claim to be inattentive and ask to be excluded from the list of disabled to access bank credit.

Among the six representatives invited to the meeting of the Committee which, today, June 4, continues to meet at the Citizens Attention Center (ACC) of Esmeraldas, it is not necessary to have a meeting. There are no merchants. Those planned are: the retired president; Rector of the University & Luis Vargas Torres & # 39; the President of the Ecuadorian Bishops' Conference, two social activists and the prefect, the only official representative of Esmeralda within the Committee. For the moment, the meeting is held in camera and a press conference is scheduled at 15:00. (MGQ)

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