The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción, QUITO

Due to problems that the Empresa de Aseo de Quito (Emaseo) and the opposition of trade union groups went through, the Spanish company Valoriza reportedly suspended the hiring process to rent 40 garbage collectors for the city .

The situation was communicated by Municipality of Quito today through an official statement in which he regrets the decision of the foreign institution with which According to the municipal company this new provision "made it possible to change the management model of waste collection in the Metropolitan District of Quito and it has been successfully applied in other cities in the region such as Buenos Aires or Medellín, as well as in other cities of the world. "

It was also reported that Emaseo embarked on a respective technical badysis to advance in the supply of fleet to optimize the collection service in the city.

] From 2014 to today, 35 collection trucks were dismantled for different reasons that caused this they could no longer be used.

Case Details of the Metropolitan Public Toilet Company (Emaseo) ), which were dismantled, would be known in 30 days when the draft report of General Comptroller of the State is presented (CGE) .

Up to here, "The partial results were communicated to those involved in the special examination" conducted by the Office of the Comptroller and includes the period between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2017 ", according to information from l & # 39; body control. (PCV)

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