The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Writing QUITO

At 11:53 today, Friday, July 20, 2018, the system of judicial procedure Ecuadorian (Satje) was invited to the preparatory hearing of judgment in the case of crimes of unlawful badociation and plagiarism of the politician Fernando Balda.

Daniella Camacho, Judge of the National Court of Justice, met on Tuesday, July 31, at 10:00 am at the pre-trial hearing, after the hearing of the case. tax instruction was declared closed.

The stagecoach will be held in the courtroom on the eighth floor of the National Court in Quito, notes the system's notification.

Yesterday at 00:05, the prosecutor general in charge, Paúl Pérez, sent the judge the official letter requesting that the date and time of the hearing be fixed.

Thus, in 11 days, the prosecutor must present his accusation or acquittal to the six accused in the case, which include: former President Rafael Correa; the former national secretary of intelligence, Pablo Romero; three exaggerations of the National Intelligence Secretariat (Senain), Raúl Chicaiza, Diana Falcón and Jorge Espinoza, and the former director of national intelligence, Fausto Tamayo. (AGO)

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