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The former president would ask the IACHR precautionary measures, criticized by him during his administration.

In 10 days it will be defined whether the former president Rafael Correa is called to trial for illicit badociation and the kidnapping of Fernando Balda. National Judge Daniella Camacho called yesterday the pre-trial hearing for Tuesday 31st at 10:00.

That day, the Attorney General in charge, Paúl Pérez Reina, must accuse or acquit the six defendants of the case: three overstates of the National Intelligence Secretariat (Senain), a former Secretary of Intelligence, a former director general of intelligence and exmandatario.

The judge's decision was rendered after Thursday at 00:05, the Attorney General's Office notified him the end of the 120 days of tax investigation.

Future uncertain?
After the end of the tax investigation, some lawyers told La Hora that the Office of the Prosecutor would not have collected enough information to "close the circle" that determines the law. involvement of the accused. For example, for Stalin Oviedo, representative of former intelligence secretary Pablo Romero "there are many things that are not clear."

The public will be in the eighth-floor auditorium of the NYC in Quito.
The private charge insists that there are enough elements to verify that the accused are responsible for the crime, but Correa's lawyer, Caupolicán Ochoa, s & # 39; 39, expects that at the hearing "when there are no serious elements, the dismissal will be declared."

This must be badyzed by the Prosecutor and decided by the judge. Meanwhile, the lawyers prepare their arguments and end up reviewing the documentation that arrived at the prosecutor's office last week.

Extreme measures?
Correa, on whom weighs an order of preventive detention, would seek precautionary measures at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), despite No number of criticisms that he has issued against this body during his government.

"The IACHR became the rubbish bin of the opposition," he said in 2014. In 2013, it was "an instrument of US foreign policy against progressive governments ". And in 2012 that "will send home".

processed in this case.
But yesterday, a 60-page document was found, in which Oswaldo Ruiz Chiriboga, Correa's lawyer, asked for protective measures for "the situation of extreme gravity," he said. urgency and danger of irreparable harm to his rights, judicial guarantees, personal freedom and freedom of movement ".

At page 57 of the document, he quotes "by procedural fairness and transparency," the Exmandatario declared publicly that "the Inter-American Commission does not have the power to take precautionary measures with respect to the signatory countries. of the American Convention on Human Rights. Human ", but still asks, among other measures, that preventive detention be lifted."

The reaction to this fact became obvious. The president of the Pichincha Bar Association, Ramiro Garcia, said on Twitter: "Life is a handkerchief, the IACHR so disdained by Correa, who did not grant it the power to issue binding measures now is the only way to do so. organism that he seeks to protect. It's their right, double standards also have this right. " (AGO)


The decisions of the Commission are binding on the fools we have signed", Ex-President Rafael Correa March 2013

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