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Editorial MOSCÚ


Germany, eliminated in the first phase of the World Cup-2018, after losing 0-2 in Korea, will have to badyze the reasons for its failure.

Some are simply in the field, with an unstable defense and the absence of an authentic striker. Others will probably be harder to detect and evaluate, with the controversy that surrounded the team in the weeks leading up to the tournament due to the Turkish origin of two of its players, Ilkay Gündogan and Mesut Özil.

Defending Championship Syndrome
Beyond any superstition, Joachim Löw had said several times before the tournament: "Keeping a title is the hardest thing". Whether they like it or not, the Germans listened and read for months that they were unbeatable. They may even have come to believe it. In each friendly match without shining, we heard the same thing: "We are a team of tournaments, we will be ready on day D." But in Russia-2018, they are far from ready: a 1-0 defeat against Mexico, a scary 2-1 win over Sweden and a 2-0 defeat against South Korea.

The Coach's Decisions
Löw could be blamed for not taking the young man from Manchester City, Leroy Sané. Nobody, in the German team has his ability to drill compact defenses with their dribbling.

Löw's loyalty to his most experienced players has been described as "stubborn" by several badysts. Özil was starting in the decisive match against South Korea. Other "old warriors" like Sami Khedira and Thomas Müller have been almost invisible in the World Cup, despite the blind confidence of their coach.

An unbalanced team
Defensive deficiencies caused the initial defeat against Mexico. When Germany dominated, she was exposed to the rival's counterattacks. Friendly play-offs had already shown this problem, with center-backs often having to face the attackers one-on-one.

Above, the lack of efficiency was obvious. Since the retirement of World Cup goalkeeper Miroslav Klose (16), Germany is looking for a scorer of guarantees.


We did not deserve to return to be world champions or continue to go from front to back playing like this. " Joachim Löw DT of Germany [19659015] Nobody expected, but football is like that: no one knows what will happen, we are happy to have finished the World Cup like this. " Lee Seung- woo, Korea player

World Cup

Similar appearances

° 1966: Brazil and Pelé, beaten and eliminated, having twice been champions

° 2002: France became a big favorite after winning the Euro-2000 and the 1998 World Cup, but she was eliminated.

° 2010: Italy has slipped right away. Unable to beat Paraguay and weak New Zealand was eliminated in the last match by Slovakia.

° 2014: Outside of Azzurra and Spain. Italy suffered the same fate four years later in Brazil-2014, but the disappointment is even greater for "La Roja". in the sad goodbye of Xavi Hernández.

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