The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Caesar Ulloa

Since someone once said that the truth would free us, the so-called truth has been relativised in the sense that everyone has his own, without losing sight of the role played by the theses on the end of the great stories, history and ideologies of the late 80s and even the supreme value that consumerism has gained through the impetus given by various economic sectors under the criterion that the The individuation of the subject is the ultimate goal of liberal society. In other words, the truth is everywhere and it seems that nobody is interested either. Or finally, you buy it with a kind.

The information, knowledge and communication society has made this research even more problematic because the dizzying accumulation and updating of the data prevents the subject from discriminating against the information. in terms of quality, usefulness and opportunity. The modern Bible is the digitized data in Google, the dictionary is Wikipedia and the audiovisual dimension is Youtube. This would give the impression that, of these tools, loneliness could invade anyone who would discover the world of the virtual sphere if he did not have access to the network.

But how much of what circulates in the network could make us free? The calculation is very complex because the search for information strictly depends on the training of Internet users. Then everything can happen in this context. By giving an oversized status to a meme to the point of damaging a high-quality report on democracy, viralizing a false news that can be pbaded on in seconds around the world. Therefore, the democratization of knowledge must qualify the debate, not only in terms of connectivity and access, but in literacy: consumption, production and circulation of content.

The maxim of Santo Tomás, to believe, loses strength in the networked society, because everything can be altered in the possibility of distorting the truth and vice versa. The challenge of pedagogy is to educate the eye in a space that goes from the offline (real) to the online world (virtual) and vice versa.

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