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Unanimously, the world's most important Human Rights Court has stated verbatim that "same-bad marriage does not exist".

The 47 judges of the 47 countries of the Council of Europe, which constitute the plenary session of the Strasbourg Court (the largest human rights court in the world), rendered a verdict of It is extremely relevant, surprisingly stifled by the progressiveness of information and its area of ​​influence

. Indeed, unanimously, the 47 judges approved the verdict that "there is no right to same-bad marriage".

The opinion was based on a myriad of philosophical and anthropological considerations based on the natural order, family, common sense, scientific reports and, of course, positive law.

In the latter case, the decision was based fundamentally on Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This article is the equivalent of the articles of human rights treaties, such as Article 17 of the San José Pact and Article 23 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. policies.

There Is No Discrimination
In the landmark and infrequent resolution, the Court also stated that the concept of family is not content with "the traditional conception of marriage, namely," 39, the union of a man and a woman "governments should not be forced to" open marriage to same-bad couples. "

Regarding the principle of non-discrimination, the Court also added that there is no discrimination of this type. and the universal biological order, tasteless badual disjunction is another thing "States are free to reserve marriage only to heterobadual couples".

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