The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción, QUITO

President Lenín Moreno arrived today at 14:00 (local time) in London as part of his international tour to Europe, the National Communications Secretariat announced today. an official newspaper.

In the program the president is expected to attend the first disability summit in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London . In connection with this event, which aims to recognize the achievements and rights of people with disabilities, President Moreno will deliver a speech on the country's progress in inclusion and the emblematic programs "Las Manuelas "And" Las Joaquinas ". In the same way, he will present the work done during his post of Vice-President of Ecuador (2007-2013), thanks to which he was sent to the United Nations in 2013.

The summit, which will be formed by more than 700 delegates from governments, organizations and people with disabilities will also be the meeting point between President and Vice President of Argentina, Gabriela Michetti.

On this tour Moreno they have as main objective ] participation in the world meeting and the economic and commercial promotion of Ecuador in Spain, England and Scotland, only therefore will not deal with the case of the asylum of Julian Assange . the planned activities in London the head of state will visit Wednesday 25 in Scotland where he will have a dialogue with businessmen interested in investing in Ecuador and will meet Peter Mathieson, rector and Deputy Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh.

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