The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Redacción, QUITO

Last Thursday, the country's legal community met with the president of the Judiciary Council, Marcelo Merlo, and the singers Juan Pablo Albán and Angélica Porras to discuss the process of ] the recovery of the independence of the system of the administration of Justice.

In the meeting held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador spoke of the lack of training of judges the parameters that should be considered in the trial of the judicial authorities and the conditions to guarantee the judicial independence .

MP Juan Pablo Albán demanded that the officials, if they are victims of the powers of the state "denounce them" . Albán ratified the importance to listen to users of the justice service to obtain solutions to current problems .

Lawyers from several provinces had the opportunity to denounce acts of corruption in the judiciary in two rounds of questions. Faced with cases of imprisonment of innocent people, Merlo announced the appropriate treatment through a system to channel citizen complaints, prosecute and prosecute .

With regard to the evaluation parameters of judges and bailiffs, Porras stated that would no longer be based solely on efficiency, but also on the quality of the sentence .

Finally, in questions about the disciplinary control regime, Albán specified that the Plenary PJ will badyze the situation of the officials who have been affected by the application of the inexcusable error, and will identify the state institutions that should be involved in establishing reparations mechanisms .

The Judicial Council authorities confirmed that the dialogues will be reissued throughout the country to keep abad of the opinions of lawyers and judges . [ad_2]
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