The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


In the National Assembly, there is a tragic crisis with what we call "occasional commissions". Some of its members do not enjoy good health, hence their absences at crucial times, and others attend the toilets more than their seats when making their decision by their vote. Any transformation, which would lead to changes in the root of the problems, collides with this calamity.

In days lost add weeks, and investigations can not be postponed and the expected trials continue in refrigerators. This overrun is not always the confirmation that something different is happening. For the journalists who cover the work of this parliament so diverse and sometimes so tragically unruly, the news is not special, but for justice and the struggle to have a better country than the one inherited, it is always decisive. It requires a rebellion that, without pretending to resolve everything, dares to confront. A distant and disinterested observer would say that, if it was a question of undertaking a transformation in the Ecuadorian state, one should start immediately with the legislative function. Of course, in the week when something like that starts, it's not possible.

Simple adaptation is not enough. You do not have to be very insightful to predict that this week the "illustrious" parliamentarians will return to those who were already in the past. While they get sick and go out in the bathrooms, for a coffee or to hear gossip in the hallway, those who cry, those who in the biblical language are hungry and thirsty for justice, go continue to have an empty stomach and thirsty throat.

I am in favor of a vigorously frugal and simple government. " Thomas Jefferson American Politician (1743-1826)

In governing I learned to go from ethical principles to ethical responsibilities." Felipe González Márquez Spanish politician (1942)

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