The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Manuel Castro

The Second World War (1939-1945) was a great affair between the allies (England, France, Russia, United States) against Nazi fascist totalitarianism (Germany, Italy and Japan), which wanted to conquer the world through the war to impose their ideologies. After this war came the "cold war" between communism and capitalism, whose heads were the United States and the USSR, which ended in 1990 when the communist system came to an end. collapsed.

The history of the First World War is rather confusing The main causes were the commercial struggle between several countries (notably Germany, France, Britain and the United States) for control of their industries and raw materials, a revenge of France, the dominant nationalism (kings and emperors). their countries). War that ended in 1918 with millions of deaths and the defeat of Germany, whose humiliating surrender gave rise to a caricature (in 1918) where a child cried because "the winning powers ended up signing the Second World War World ". ] These antecedents come to mind because of the confused and unpredictable international politics of President Donald Trump, which lacks ideological orientation and, in his view, seeks exclusively to make his country "once more the powerful". A kind of gringo nationalism, since it seems that Trump does not care about free thinking or those who are true to the principles of the "October Revolution" (1917).

Disconcerting politics because the nations it supports are Russia, China, North Korea, rivals hostile to the ideals and values ​​of the United States. All this provoked widespread criticism from Republicans and Democrats. The serious thing is that the applause is not lacking, which led to the 20th century two world wars.

The strange thing is that Trump's policy is closer to what happened near the First World War. The war clash had only been defeated and the revenge then loaded. It seems that we will not learn, because we are stubborn not to re-read History, and that the Internet is at hand.

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