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The "fever", the "dream" … and maybe the "reality". The insistent rumor of a possible transfer of the Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid to Juventus of Turin (19459007) is bubbling the football of the planet. And he waved at Italian football waiting 'CR7 '. like the messiah.

"Juve-CR7" title this Wednesday the Gazzetta dello Sport, the first Italian sports newspaper, which aims a transfer that could be about 350 million euros 100 million for the Real and 30 million net per year for each of the four seasons that the star striker of "meringues" would sign in Turin.

These figures would exceed the record set by the PSG with Neymar a year ago, 222 million euros.

"The tam tam between Italy, Portugal and Spain started," writes this diary that tells a story he began "like a dream, a suggestion, now it's an idea, and that could become reality. "

In this scenario, "one of the two greatest players in the world who, at age 33, is looking for a last contract and perhaps another challenge, Jorge Mendes his agent and a unparalleled representative at the time of business and communication, and the largest club on the planet. "

" Zebra fever ", headlines the Corriere dello Sport in reference to the famous black and white striped jersey of Juve, club that has just scored an impressive series of seven consecutive titles in the Italian league.

"The rumor rocked the whole planet", from Turin to Lisbon, from Spain to Russia where the World, continued the newspaper Transalpine

The newspaper sees behind this story the hand of the # 39, Ronaldo's agent, Jorge Mendes, who wants to get his player away from Real Madrid "where relations with President Florentino Pérez are in minimal union".

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