The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Franklin Barriga López

When in April of the current year, in the auditorium of the University of Alcalá de Henares, Sergio Ramírez received the award Cervantes, he said: "Allow me to dedicate this award to the memory of Nicaraguans who were murdered in recent days in the streets to demand justice and democracy, and thousands of young people who continue to fight without further weapon that their ideals because Nicaragua is once again a republic. "

This writer went on without betraying In a recent article, a hard job recalled what happened in the afternoon of July 23, 1959, while he was a student and participated in protests against the Somoza family who established a long and bloody dictatorship: dozens of comrades died repression of Praetorian forces. This disillusioned Sandinist, who happily has moved away from this current self-timer, added that "yesterday is today, multiplied", referring to popular protests that have been going on since April this year. repressed by fire and blood.

More than 350 people were killed by snipers and hooded government perpetrators of all sorts of atrocities, especially against brave young people who are at the forefront of protests, for defend the principles and ideals in order to save their country. the dramatic situation in which he finds himself.

Daniel Ortega and his wife, who is vice-president of Nicaragua, do not even shy away from such shamelessness. Thirteen Latin American countries have repudiated the use of violence and the mbadacres that take place. In due time, Ecuador has also made its dignified and sovereign voice heard, condemning the abuses used by those who use despotism to perpetuate themselves in power.

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