The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


There will be no more than two opportunities for them and three types of tests. Veedurías will accompany the process.

On July 28, the badessment will begin at drivers of inter and intraprovincial bus cooperatives, with the aim of reducing the risk that they are involved in road accidents.

Pablo Calle, director of the National Transit Agency, has about 13,100 drivers who must follow this process, which will include three types of tests: theoretical, practical and psychosensometric.

The evaluation was to begin in late April or the first days of May, after several interprovincial bus incidents that claimed the lives of ten people during the first few months of the year.

Calle explained that the ANT had accepted the operators' request the goal that they "can prepare" and study. "We gave them the question bank, they do work meetings, they go to simulators and so on."

The evaluation schedule will be published on the website of the Agency in the coming days. there will be the names of the drivers, the dates and where they should approach for the process.

In the theoretical part, the application will be in charge of the ANT throughout the country except the Galapagos, where the will apply because there is no way transport. The drivers will have an hour and a half to answer a questionnaire of 100 questions

the questions of the theoretical part will determine the behavioral part of the drivers, c & # 39; that is, their ability to react to different risk situations
"Anyone who fails the theoretical evaluation can not advance in the process, must follow a professional update course and only with the approval of the course will continue to the second phase "

On the other hand, the practical part will be in charge of trade unions and schools of professional conduct. For 40 minutes, the evaluated people will have to travel with a bus in circuit and demonstrate their skills.

They will also be responsible for the psychosensometric evaluation and will consist of the application of a globally approved test on reflexes that drivers must have. being behind the wheel


The license will be revoked if a professional driver fails the exam after a refresher course or if he fails psychosensometrically or practically .
The evaluation will count with the support of citizen watchdogs, who hope that this time drivers will not have more than two opportunities than in similar processes that have been applied in the past . In Ecuador "96% of road accidents are closely related to the human factor, only the remaining 4% are exogenous factors," said Guillermo Abad, of the non-governmental organization Justicia Vial (RVD)

Driver Profile

° For this process, the ANT has defined a profile that drivers should have according to a study of the Technical Secretariat of the National System of Professional Qualifications on the skills and type of driving with which they must count according to the service they provide, and the institution has recommended that operators provide a list of drivers who can replace those who do not pbad this badessment and who represent between 10% and 20% in addition to the 13 100 to be evaluated.

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