The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


BOGOTÁ editorial


The other mainland glory, with the Copa Sudamericana as symbol, is the goal pursued by the 16 teams that will be on stage this week in the second most important football tournament in this part of the world.

Four of them will leave this Tuesday, July 24 to seal their pbad in the third phase, in the only two games scheduled by Conmebol. The Caracas, who won last week 2-0 in his homeland, will try to maintain the advantage and stay with the quota, but will have to fight against the altitude of 3,259 meters from Huancayo and with Sport , a rival who bears with nobility the name of this Peruvian city and plays by heart in these climatic conditions.

With the same goal that the Venezuelan team is the Argentine Lanus, having won home by the minimal difference to the Colombian Junior Atletico, he will have to fight like a cat back, but not at altitude but in tropical heat of Barranquilla.

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