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The Drafting Committee of QUITO

The Chairman of the Supervisory Commission, the official María José Carrión and the former President of the Assembly, Gabriela Rivadeneira (exAlianza PAIS ), did not attend the meeting. Office of the Prosecutor, as planned

Both were summoned by the Office of the Prosecutor to testify about the statements of the ex-legislator, Raúl Patiño, who stated that the audit had been "prohibited

Rivadeneira sent his lawyer, Luis Molina, with a brief and requested that a new day and time be set to make his version free and without oath, " due to the fact that due to the inherent situations "he could not perform his duties today.

"I asked the prosecutor to defer my badistance to make a free and voluntary version, my lawyer will ask the respective file to know the cause of the appeal," he said in his social networks.

In exchange io, Carrión did not explain the reasons for his absence from the appointment scheduled for 11:00

Whoever attended was the Socialist Silvia Salgado, former Chairman of the Supervisory Commission between 2009 and 2013, but she said that she did not feel targeted by the statements of Patiño because she was not part of the Parliament between 2013 and 2017.

"It is the duty of the authorities to investigate, but I wish we could focus on very important issues," said Salgado when he left and said that behind this case is "judicializing politics "

But Ana Galarza, member of the badembly of the CREO movement, came out of these statements. "We are not here to raise policy issues, but if we see this here in the House, things are not happening, what other cases do we have left? the arms or go to the prosecutor's office? "

" The law states that officials when we know of an act of corruption we are obliged to denounce it.These people not only do not have reported but have been covered by the Assembly and must investigate justice. "

For tomorrow, however, the Office of the Prosecutor plans to make an expertise in the field of registration. an interview in which another former member of the previous government also reportedly said that the last legislature prevented him from conducting an audit.

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