The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


QUITO Writing

The I World Disability Summit began today with an official reception which took place at the Here East Business Park, located at Olympic Park Queen Elizabeth or Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.

The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, was accompanied by his wife Rocío González and Isabel Maldonado, technical secretary of the plan of the whole life

In this place, the president Lenín Moreno was received by [19459008UnitedKingdomambbadadortoEcuadorKatherineWardandMatthewRycroftPermanentSecretaryoftheMinistryofInternationalDevelopmentofEcuador

In this same space, the Director General will propose tomorrow his keynote address, in front of more than 700 people related to the disability field in the world.

For Isabel Maldonado, technical secretary of the Whole Life Plan This space will make known the public policies that the National Government implements for this sector, through programs such as Las Manuelas.

"That President Moreno is present at the World Summit on Disability is a recognition of all Ecuadorian society, because we have succeeded in breaking down barriers, making disabled citizens visible and working for them, and It's something the world recognizes, "said the secretary. UN Special on the rights of persons with disabilities, it is important that the boundaries of this population group are visible from the highest level of government and not just their rights, because they can rely on services they need to participate in a society without barriers.

"There is no doubt that President Moreno is an example and a model for people with disabilities.", He said

At this summit, which is the first in the world, the challenges facing countries for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

will be discussed. [ad_2]
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