The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


In 1997, 8,557 couples were divorced, while last year they had 28,771.

"Dissolve or separate, by judgment, marriage." This is so that the dictionary defines the word "divorce". The truth is that in Ecuador the divorce rate has more than doubled in 20 years. It went from 7.29 per 10,000 population in 1997 to 17.15 per 10,000 population last year. This is an increase of almost 10 points.

But, in practice, this means that in 1997, 8557 couples divorced; while in 2017, they made 28,771. The figures are from the most recent survey of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), published last month.

The document indicates that not only are there more cases of divorce, but age groups. Thus, over the past two decades, the average age of separations has also been reduced from 42.4 years to 37.4 years for men and 39.34 years to 34.4 years for women.

Children were involved in the divorce of their parents in 2017.
"Couples who divorced in 2017 decided to end their relationship after 14.7 years of being together On average, it was different in 1997, when divorces that were registered lasted on average 12 years, "says the statistical bulletin.

Beyond the numbers, the lawyers say that one of the points that facilitated the issue is the reform Article 18 of the Notarial Law, in force since 2016, which simplifies the "dissolution of the conjugal partnership "by means of a mutual agreement, previously signed in a notary.

"Thus, the divorce takes place literally in a few hours and, also, with less costs.Before they were very complicated procedures and with costs," said lawyer Celso Zuquillo. "When I started practicing, 41 years ago, divorce cases were exceptional. Today, every week, I receive at least four cases, "he says

Socialist sociologist
Santiago Basabe sees another reason for this growth: the levels of social intolerance directly into the world. # 39; interpersonal intolerance in couples.

cases were by mutual agreement last year.
"Yes, the statistics of the increase in divorces are very real and there are many reasons," says Edgar Reina, one of Serviterapias' psychologists, psychological and therapeutic consultant.

He explains that among the "fundamental issues" the infidelity and lack of communication are recorded. "The economic can be solved," he says. And he sees cases of "greater complexity", such as unsatisfied goals, overwork and lack of time for the couple to such an extent that there are more and more cases of "living separate in the same house ". (JCER)


By Provinces

38.2 divorces per 1,000 persons is the highest figure in the provinces and corresponds to the Galapagos.
] 27.17 per thousand, second place, Azuay
23.98 Tungurahua
23.95 Cañar
23.92 Pichincha.

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