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US President insists that Iran "will soon pay a high price".

WASHINGTON editorial


The White House yesterday maintained its hard line toward Iran after the threat of US President Donald Trump, insisting Tehran may "pay an unprecedented price "he's doing something" negative ".

"I've spoken to the President in recent days and President Trump has said that if Iran did something negative, it would pay a price that few countries have paid," said Trump's national security advisor. John Bolton, in a statement. Bolton reaffirmed the threat that Trump expressed late Sunday when he issued a stern warning to Iranian President Hasan Rohaní.

"To the Iranian President Rohaní: Never again threaten the United States and suffer no such consequences as few have suffered in history before.We are no longer a country that will endure its insane words of violence and "Be careful!" Trump said in a message full of capital letters on his Twitter account.

The president reacts to Rohaní, who, several hours ago, had urged Washington to "not play with fire", because the outbreak of a conflict with Tehran would mean "the mother of all wars".

War of Tweets
In response to Trump's tweet, Iran's Defense Minister Amir Hatami said that US leaders and their regional allies "only understand the language of force" and that Therefore, "there is no other way than a decisive threat".

"We will not give up, but with all our competence we will defend the vital interests of the Islamic Republic and the well-being of the Iranian people", said the Minister of Defense quoted by the agency official IRNA press. For his part, shortly before Trump sent his tweet, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, had delivered a speech on Iran, which compared the Iranian government system with the Mafia and denounced that Rohani He was not a moderate. but "a wolf in sheep's clothing".

"The level of corruption and wealth among (Iranian) regime leaders shows that Iran is ruled by something that looks more like a mafia than a government," Pompeo said in a statement. a speech in California.

The Iranian Warning
° Trump's tweet took place after Rohani warned the US on Sunday not to "play with the tail of the lion" because a conflict with Tehran would be "the mother of all ". wars.

Rohani also warned Washington that Iran controls and could close the Strait of Ormuz, a strategic point in the Persian Gulf where 30% of the oil transported by sea circulates around the world.

Trump retired last May in the United States from the 2015 nuclear agreement (G5 + 1 – also formed by France, the United Kingdom, China and Russia, plus Germany) with Iran and imposed new sanctions against Tehran that will come into force next August Iran.

The situation

Again, the tension

° Trump has made Iran one of his favorite targets.

° On May 8, the President announced the withdrawal of the United States from the agreement to prevent the Iran to equip itself with the atomic bomb, signed in 2015 with Germany, China, France, the United Kingdom and Russia, and the resumption of sanctions economic Against this country.] Although it is often suspected that the Trump government has the hope of a regime change in Iran, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a speech in front of the Iranian diaspora that Washington only wanted that "the regime changes behavior, both in Iran and on the world stage. "

° Donald Trump's tone towards Iran was similar to that used a year ago against North Korea.

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