The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


These ecosystems provide food and serve as habitat and refuge for several wildlife species.

Today, there will be a minga of garbage cleaning in the mangrove areas of Tambillo, Esmeraldas, and other similar activities will take place until July 27 in Santa Elena, Guayas and El Oro, as part of Mangrove Week C is an ecosystem that performs coastal protection functions against erosion and waves and ensures the sustainability of populations through income generation.

The agenda establishes conferences, conferences, workshops, competitions, films, reforestation. , walks and tours through the mangrove areas, all aimed at raising awareness of the importance of this ecosystem.

Birds, fish, molluscs and crustaceans are among the populations that inhabit mangroves.

Mangroves have played an important role in the economy of tropical societies for thousands of years. They provide a wide variety of goods and services, including timber production, support for commercial and subsistence fishing, salt production and coastal protection, says the document's Institute of Biological Sciences. National Polytechnic School. Mangrove forests, which are developed on saline soils, are one of the most productive environments in the world, said the undersecretariat of natural heritage of the Ministry of Environment (MAE). In addition, they function as lungs of nature, producing oxygen and badimilating CO2, one of the greenhouse gases that causes an increase in the planet 's temperature and climate change.

The mangrove forest
According to the MAE, the continental Ecuador has 161,835.03 hectares of mangroves, of which 72,523 are divided into: Esmeraldas (27,135.42 ha), Manabí (745,72 ha.), Santa Elena (0.11 ha), Guayas (43,351.14 ha) and El Oro (1,291.09 ha). While in the Galapagos Islands, 3,734.83 ha have been recorded. They are in protected coastal areas.

In this context, 68,002.93 hectares were delivered on deposit to artisbad fishermen (shells and crabbers), which made it possible to conserve the mangrove and to benefit from its resources in a balanced way with the environment. has in turn contributed to the increase of 13 405 hectares of forest between 2006 and 2016, according to the same MAE. [CM] [1945902]

Important Sites
° In Esmeraldas lies the Mangrove Cayapas Mataje Reserve, which has the highest mangroves, with a height of 40 and 50 m. The main resource obtained is concha prieta. In addition, the Manguisière River Muisne River Wildlife Sanctuary is home to an important fishery of brown shells. The Heart and Frigate Islands Wildlife Refuge in Manabí is home to one of the largest frigate colonies in the South American Pacific. In Guayas, the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve is registered, from where the red crab comes. In this province, there is also the Mangroves El Morro Wildlife Refuge, which is home to a large frigate nesting area and a common dolphin population. Finally, the mangrove wildlife production reserve of El Salado allows regulation of the climate of Guayaquil, a city that does not have sufficient vegetation cover.


Species in Ecuador [19659018] ° Rhizophora sp: red mangrove

° Avicennia germinans sp: black mangrove

° Laguncularia sp: white mangrove

° Conocarpus erectus sp: mangrove jelf or botoncillo

° Pelliciera rhizophorae sp: piñuelo, Mora.

° Magistoperma sp: nato.

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