The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The controller announced yesterday that he has begun an audit of the use that was given to presidential aircraft during the government of Rafael Correa. The period between January 1, 2012 and May 24, 2017, the last day of Correa in front of the executive will be evaluated.

By a statement, the entity clarified that the study would be conducted by the National Audit Office of the Central Administration

The agency also mentioned that it would take 90 days to run this test, "whose goal is to determine the dates, national and international trips made, destinations, flight hours, crew, the list of pbadengers each, the

The purchase of the two presidential planes and the use they were given during the Plan pbaded Widely criticized by the opposition and even the sale of one of them was proposed campaign of adverse candidates last year.

The decision generated several reactions. Fabricio Villamar, member of the CREO Assembly and member of the International Relations Committee, expects the control body to specify

For their part, the official Lenin Plaza and René Yandún (former ID) agreed that, being public property, "it is necessary" for the Office of the Controller to do this work and, if necessary, to transmit the results to the Office of the Prosecutor

will continue to be examined.
"All the administrative processes are verifiable, the important thing is that they do it according to the regular procedure and in an objective way, without any form of political partiality," said corrector Augusto Espinosa

. The Minister of Justice, Rosana Alvarado, noting that the measure "must have legal protection so that it is in no way considered a reprisal" of the previous government.

Villamar will however request that this special examination be extended to last year, when, according to him, the former Chancellor, María Fernanda Espinosa, used the presidential plane to promote his candidacy to the presidency of the United Nations Assembly.

"The presidential planes are: presidential aircraft, they are not the taxis of the minister in charge, they are not the element of displacement of families, they are an element that should allow the Republic of Ecuador must be interconnected with the world, "he said. (DRV)

Restricted Information
° La Hora, through the Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information, has asked the Directorate of the Ministry of Finance to provide information to the public. Civil Aviation, in August 2017, the details of the aircraft trips to the service of former President Rafael Correa. The answer was that we had to address this request to the general command of the air force.

We did and the new response from this entity, from November 2017, was that we had to address our request to the Department of Defense. The letter sent to this secretariat on June 5th. I still have no answer.

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