The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The best of the date on paper is presented from 16:00 today at Rodrigo Paz Delgado stadium. Liga de Quito, winner of the first phase, will face the 2017 tournament champion, Emelec.

The image of the university just played a game of Copa Sudamericana midweek, in which they won (3-1) Vasco da Gama In the local tournament, on the date of last weekend, lost to Dolphin.

The "Bombillo", on the other hand, beat the university technician 3-0. Its sole purpose is to arrive first at the end of the 22 dates.

The & # 39; U & # 39; is again shown without his reference from the first phase, the Argentine Hernán Barcos. In spite of this, Juan Luis Anangonó, creator of a double in South America, will continue to command in attack, while recovering and it is allowed to Christian Martinez Borja, his new attacker of origin Colombian.

The & # 39; blues & # 39; arrive in Quito without Osvaldo Lastra due to injury. In the team of Mariano Soso, the most recent novelty is the incorporation of Argentine midfielder Joel López Pissano. (FEM)

Possible Alignments
National Tournament


A. Gabbarini

J. Quintero

F. War

H. Salaberry

A. Chalá

J. Orejuela

E. Vega

A. Julio

J. July

F. Guerrero

J. Anangonó

DT: P. Repetto


E. Dreer

J. Paredes

J. Guagua

M. Mejía

D. Arroyo

L. Vega

D. Luna

R. Burbano

B. Angle

R. Johnson

M. of Jesus

DT: Mr. Soso

Time: 16:00

Stadium: R. Paz (Quito)

Arbitrator: O. Ponce

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