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The Welsh skier from heaven yesterday confirmed his title by placing third at the IRC

EZPELETA editorial


When everyone was expecting a fifth victory for Chris Froome at the Tour de France, and placed In replacement of Nairo Quintana, Mikel Landa or Tom Dumoulin, the Tour de France-2018 will have an unexpected winner, the Welsh Geraint Thomas, companion of the British in the Sky.

Thomas showed that he deserved the final triumph of the Tour, finishing yesterday in third place in the twentieth and penultimate stage, an individual time trial (CRI) of 31 km in the French Basque Country , won by the Dutchman Dumoulin (Sunweb).

The Welsh no longer than 116 km the last stage, since Houilles, in the outskirts of Paris, and the Champs-Élysées of the French capital, to touch the sky with their hands, at a late time, the 32 years old.

" No I know what to say, it is simply the maximum I did not intend to win the Tour de France within three weeks of the race and all of a sudden … i won the race.I can not's just unbelievable, "says the British

" The last time i cried it was when i got married i do not know what happened i feel in a cloud.I felt strong in the time trial, really good, "added the virtual winner of the Tour.

Thomas scored 14 seconds of world champion time trial Dumoulin, who took 2 minutes and 5 seconds before this decisive stage, it was almost impossible to get first place, but he was able to consolidate his second place overall.

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