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The president of the judiciary sent this media a letter and documentation stating that it is "wrong that the decision was taken hastily". In an official letter it is stated that the time that appears in the resolution, 17:00, would correspond to the moment when "the meeting was installed", to which were summoned temporary members Zobeida Aragundi, Angelica Porras and Aquiles Rigail, and the general manager, Juan Vizueta.

However, at that time the members were in session N10-2018 of the plenary session, which was reinstated at 11:05 and ended at 18:23, as stated in a certificate issued by the Secretary General, Irene Valencia. In addition, according to the internal communication channels, the message calling for a meeting was at 18:49 [19659003] Porras confirmed that the meeting began after the end of the plenary session. There was some discussion of how to proceed with the suspension, which the member objected to by considering an interference in the jurisdictional powers of the judges. One official suggested applying Article 269 of the Organic Code of the Judiciary, which empowers the president to suspend judges.

On the other hand, the office of the judiciary indicates that the resolution "was finalized around 22:00, date on which he proceeded to notify and communicate the president of the Provincial Court of Guayas, who was in charge of provincial direction. "

Porras baderted that the document was not ready when he left the meeting around 21:00. But, three documents indicate that the decision was made at 17:00. (AGO)

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