Politics is subject to strategies, tactics and tips. In chess they are called celadas, sacrifices, which deceive the adversary and when he wants to enjoy it, he receives the companion. When popes burn politicians use distractions to forget their mistakes.
While we want to investigate and punish the official corruption of the last decade, disastrous economic policy, integrate the commercial world to get out of the crisis, a decent international policy (condemning crimes in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela) we start talking about masculine or feminine, if the man had to cry in public to be a man; if the language needs to be corrected as a way to avoid machismo, violations and pedophilia, as the big solution; if minors should be free to start their bad life, for which they will surely suggest that school supplies include condoms and Kamasutra (text even with illustrations about bad).
Seneca says, "A prolonged dispute is a labyrinth in which the truth is always lost." Most Assemblymen, correístas and morenistas, try to erase their submitted past, to avoid political judgments, to cover the criminal acts (coimas, overpray, persecutions) own and their coidearios and still they have the "toupee" of 39, try to organize his paintings politicians (more successful would be groups) for the next elections. Of course, they are right, but politicians who act in good faith, including President Moreno and some of his ministers, must play because the country does not fall into the hands of these neo-Pharisees. Let's not forget that eighty years after the Second World War, there are still neo-fascists and neo-Nazis in Italy and Germany.
Like the distinguished poet Homero, Moreno sometimes sleeps, or maybe he is very much awake both sides As nothing is completely clear for Ecuadorians not to fall into deception, we must to make the sentence of Dante Alighieri: "Not less than knowing, I doubt that I like it."
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