The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


In mid-July 2018, the scale of the Internet is impressive. A project that began in the US militia, with war goals and in the news is almost as necessary and everyday as electric light. It is very attractive to contain centuries of research, art, science and history of the world in one click. In Ecuador, it was recently reserved for "affluent" people, but today there are social initiatives like the one promoted by the company Claro with people coming down the street who offer basic Internet from $ 11 per person. month. By using the Internet responsibly, we have a basic service that can connect the world without economic, racial or social gaps.

Fausto Xavier Zambrano R.
CC: 1723475727

Why Chicken?

Corruption is a morenista-correísta farce, a big blow and some condemned scapegoats "for the theft of the hen and not for that of the farm" And others, released? That's enough! Thousands of authorities and officials are taking advantage of what has been stolen in 10 years. They would have processed about $ 450 billion. The oil of 10% of totalitarianism in totaliacracy was not less than 20% (in Colombia called "jam"). Would $ 90 billion cost Robolution Holiday? Against 9 billion "bank holidays 1999". People, to bend the backbone for generations to pay for it, plus the "stratospheric debt roofless and falling and own 35" with a repayment of more than 10 billion a year and 10 billion "500 thousand bureaucrats "(increased by 2017). The charge of Uñasur cost 44 million + equipment 14 million = 58 million, and no one is much more unionized, prisoner?

Juan Carlos Cobo Rueda
CC: 170599078-4

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