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Parties and movements intensify the election of provincial directives
Some names sound already

With the election of provincial directives, political organizations intensified the preparations for the sectoral elections scheduled for the March 24, 2019. [19659003AQuitolofficialmovementoftheAlianzaPAISbadembledunebademblyonthelastofthembersofthePichinchaudontheresultswereprovidedforlaterlast

The national council of the 35th list, meanwhile, will be formalized the day after tomorrow the current prefect, Gustavo Baroja, as executive secretary and the badembly Ricardo Zambrano as second National Vice President of the Movement

" After that, the priority will be the territorial work to identify what our cadres might be," said Ximena Peña, coordinator of the PAIS Alliance bloc at l. Assembly that last week had two Isiones, J offers Poma and Juan Pablo Velín, by several disagreements

The Democratic Left (ID) did the same thing as before yesterday, in a ceremony led by the former mayor Paco Moncayo, virtual candidate of this party , took over his parish councils with the motto that "Quito begins in rurality".

The presentation of the candidatures of these political stalls will take place between August and September, while others are already thinking of alliances, such as Pachakutik, political arm of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie).

" It is very likely that in some cantons, in some provinces, we were in alliance with related parties," said Elio Peña, legislator of this party in the name of Zamora Chinchipe. ] Applications

The SUMA movement, headed by the current mayor of the capital, Mauricio Rodas, will hold its national convention in October and will proclaim n candidates. According to the deputy Guillermo Celi, the current secretary of security of the municipality, Juan Zapata, would be the option for the prefecture or to succeed Rhodes.

According to polls, Zapata intends to vote 17.8%, only overtaken by Moncayo with 22.7%. Behind them, Augusto Barrera (10.6%), Jorge Yunda (6.4%) and Esteban Paz (6.2%), who have not yet confirmed publicly they will run.

On the Social Christian Party side, Cinthya Viteri would be the option to succeed Jaime Nebot, who for nearly two decades has been at the head of the city council.

At least three members of this party left their seats to serve in sectional elections: Roberta Zambrano for the city of Esmeraldas, Luis Fernando Torres for Ambato and César Rohon for the Guayas prefecture.

The call for elections by the CNE will take place in November
For now, according to Henry Cucalón, leader of the caucus in the Assembly, his concern is that for the elections there is no National Electoral Council (CNE) with full members, but in charge, after the cessation of the current positions taken by the transitional Council of citizen participation.

From the CREO movement the names of the badembler Fabricio Villamar and the former deputy Diego Salgado for the sections. While the Now movement does not exclude the alliances to name Juan Carlos Holguín as candidate for the post of mayor of Quito.

Meanwhile, the affines of former president Rafael Correa, are still collecting signatures for registering with the CNE as a Revolutionary Citizen Movement. sure if they will. "Everything" but "they can put," said legislator Mauricio Proaño. (RVD)

months are missing for the elections

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