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Craftsmen apply the experience that their ancestors pbaded on to them to make chanta hats

THE MANA Writing

Hats are considered a fashion piece for some, while for d & # 39; others are part of their usual set of agricultural clothing; however, whatever their use, they are old as humanity.

Who would have imagined that banana (singing) would enter history through attractive hats, created by the creativity of the people? The craftsmen from Laman?

For many people, this product would be a mere waste of no use or utility, but for a group of women called "Amistad Group", from La Esperanza sector in La Mana Township, (Cotopaxi), c & # 39; is pure gold

The idea of ​​making this type of objects has arrived in this border township of Los Ríos for over five years and is booming. Its development is based on the renaissance of knowledge that had the grandparents and who were the first to thread the wire to make the ropes.


The extraction of banana fiber is done by hand and cut with a machete, from which four layers are removed and then allowed to dry for a maximum of 15 days. After drying, we obtain the raw material with which the hats will be made.

Maria López, one of the artisans of the "Amistad Group", explains that banana fiber layers can be easily distinguished, since first a yarn is extracted, second a docile fiber, of the third a "mesh", so called because of its configuration of the fabric and from the fourth, the hard fiber is extracted. All of these come together when making hats or other handicrafts. "Everything is worth it," reveals

The craft group received all its knowledge in 2010 by the Ecuadorian Professional Training Service, which aims to not lose the ancestral knowledge in the villages.

they have become true experts in the making of hats, in which they use only abaca or banana chanta, contact cement, scissors, stiletto heels and mold . But what they do practice is the creativity and skill of their grandparents.

The weavers learned this technique to preserve the art of their ancestors, who made baskets, fans and other objects,


Carlos Garzón , cultural promoter of the municipality of the canton of La Maná, explains that the collection of the raw material is, in general, done in the site of Toquillal, where there is a large quantity of bananas.

" The idea is to save cultural values ​​and traditions, although those who are most attracted to these trades are foreigners, but little by little we are making sure that the local community knows them and acquires them.We want to turn them into a traditional article of La Maná, "explains Garzón

The weavers learned this technique in order to preserve the art that their ancestors had.
For the development of banana hats As you begin to know, you have to wait until the Moon is in the waning quarter, because that's where the raw material will be ready for the harvest, auguring a long life.

The duration of a hat can to reach up to 15 years, depending on the use and care provided.So, everyone has a national cost from 10, 15 and up to 20 dollars. f craftsmen is to export them so that the positive heritage of the ancestors is known in the world. (MZA)

dollars is the maximum cost of hats chanta.

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