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The Brazilian Neymar once again came out criticizing about his falls in the 2018 World Cup Russia and also his attitude of 39; "spoiled child" "And, posing as a" new man ", asked people to help him get up in an advertisement." You may think that I'm a "new man", exaggerates and sometimes it is true that I exaggerate, but the truth is I suffer in the field. Now, really, you can not imagine what happened outside of that, "says PSG's star in advertising razor blades that he posted this Sunday on his Twitter

26 years old, he says, "When I look like a spoiled brat, it's not because I'm a spoiled child, but because I have not yet learned to be frustrated. "

" There is still a child in me. This boy loves the world and sometimes irritates the whole world, my fight is to keep this child alive, but inside me and not inside the field, "says Ney.

Between his black-and-white images and narrated with his voice in Portuguese, Neymar confesses that his fall went well beyond the playing field and the elimination of Seleçao in the quarterfinals of world Cup.

"You may think that I fell too much, but the truth is that I did not fall, I collapsed, and it hurts a lot more than any shot on the operated ankle. ", says the attacker, currently on vacation in Brazil.

"I accepted criticism, it took me a long time to look me in the mirror and become a new man.But today I am here, with a clean face, an open chest I fell, but only the one who falls can get up, "he says,

And he ends:" You can continue throwing stones or you can remove these stones and help me to When I get up, all Brazil gets up with me. "

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